Friday, September 12, 2014

Welcome September - December 2014 Class!

Welcome, everyone!

Glad to have you join us on this new learning adventure. We'll be blending face 2 face classes with online learning. Since most of you are familiar with the use of different online tools, we'll be posting our work on line.

This class is about reading and working with different kind of text related to your field of expertise: Graphic Design. The classes will provide different techniques to read, comprehend, write and communicate using the language Graphic designers use when working.

It will also serve as a way to reflect and learn how  the work of a graphic designer is like. You will have the chance to work both in teams and individually. 

Things to do in this class:

1. Attend classes in a lab.
2. Work on different workshops in class. (You must finish your tasks during the class)
3. Work in pairs or in groups of three people.
4. Get a 
6. Use google drive to create your documents.
7. Work on your final project from the first day of classes. (you will hand in progress reports on first and second term and present your work on the last term).

This is the link to the Class program and evaluations. 

1st term: 06/10/14   Written test 10 pts - Workshops 10 pts
2nd term: 03/11/14  Written test 10 pts - Workshops 10 pts
3rd term: 01/12/14   Workshops 10  pts  - Final Project 10 pts

Workshop 1
A. Write an intro post in your Follow the example here

B. Celebrate Peace Day
 Peace Day is on September 21st... Get your selfie to promote peace... Write a short message... with... "I have a right to peace" "We all have a right to Peace"  Peace Day September 21st #doris3meflcenter #peaceday #peacehug #urbe #maracaibo

From Peacebuilders Camp at Koinonia Farm:
"... September 21 is International Day of Peace! 
Post your own selfie to our page with #PeaceDay..."
Huge #PeaceHug to all... 

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